remove autogenerated conf.d files
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 3 additions and 348 deletions
@ -33,3 +33,6 @@
# vscode configuration
# fish autogenerated functions
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# Deactivate the default virtualenv prompt so that we can add our own
set --global --export VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1
# Whether or not is a fresh session
set --global _pure_fresh_session true
# Register `_pure_prompt_new_line` as an event handler fot `fish_prompt`
functions --query _pure_prompt_new_line
function _pure_uninstall --on-event pure_uninstall
rm -f $__fish_config_dir/conf.d/
# backup fish_prompt and fish_title to default
cp $__fish_config_dir/functions/fish_prompt{,.pure-backup}.fish
cp $__fish_config_dir/functions/fish_title{,.pure-backup}.fish
# erase existing fish_prompt and fish_title to default
functions --erase fish_prompt
functions --erase fish_title
# restore fish_prompt and fish_title to default
cp {$__fish_data_dir,$__fish_config_dir}/functions/
cp {$__fish_data_dir,$__fish_config_dir}/functions/
# refresh fish_prompt and fish_title definitions
source $__fish_data_dir/functions/
source $__fish_data_dir/functions/
# erase _pure* variables
set --names \
| string replace --filter --regex '(^_?pure)' 'set --erase $1' \
| source
# erase _pure* functions
functions --names --all \
| string replace --filter --regex '(^_?pure)' 'functions --erase $1' \
| source
# delete _pure* files
for file in $__fish_config_dir/{functions,conf.d}/_pure_*
rm -f $file
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# is only meant to be used in interactive mode. If not in interactive mode and not in CI, skip the config to speed up shell startup
if not status is-interactive && test "$CI" != true
# Because of scoping rules, to capture the shell variables exactly as they are, we must read
# them before even executing _fzf_search_variables. We use psub to store the
# variables' info in temporary files and pass in the filenames as arguments.
# This variable is global so that it can be referenced by fzf_configure_bindings and in tests
set --global _fzf_search_vars_command '_fzf_search_variables (set --show | psub) (set --names | psub)'
# Install the default bindings, which are mnemonic and minimally conflict with fish's preset bindings
# Doesn't erase autoloaded _fzf_* functions because they are not easily accessible once key bindings are erased
function _fzf_uninstall --on-event fzf_uninstall
set --erase _fzf_search_vars_command
functions --erase _fzf_uninstall _fzf_migration_message _fzf_uninstall_bindings fzf_configure_bindings
complete --erase fzf_configure_bindings
set_color cyan
echo " uninstalled."
echo "You may need to manually remove fzf_configure_bindings from your if you were using custom key bindings."
set_color normal
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
status is-interactive || exit
set --global _hydro_git _hydro_git_$fish_pid
function $_hydro_git --on-variable $_hydro_git
commandline --function repaint
function _hydro_pwd --on-variable PWD --on-variable hydro_ignored_git_paths --on-variable fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length
set --local git_root (command git --no-optional-locks rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)
set --local git_base (string replace --all --regex -- "^.*/" "" "$git_root")
set --local path_sep /
test "$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length" = 0 && set path_sep
if set --query git_root[1] && ! contains -- $git_root $hydro_ignored_git_paths
set --erase _hydro_skip_git_prompt
set --global _hydro_skip_git_prompt
set --global _hydro_pwd (
string replace --ignore-case -- ~ \~ $PWD |
string replace -- "/$git_base/" /:/ |
string replace --regex --all -- "(\.?[^/]{"(
string replace --regex --all -- '^$' 1 "$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"
)"})[^/]*/" "\$1$path_sep" |
string replace -- : "$git_base" |
string replace --regex -- '([^/]+)$' "\x1b[1m\$1\x1b[22m" |
string replace --regex --all -- '(?!^/$)/|^$' "\x1b[2m/\x1b[22m"
function _hydro_postexec --on-event fish_postexec
set --local last_status $pipestatus
set --global _hydro_status "$_hydro_newline$_hydro_color_prompt$hydro_symbol_prompt"
for code in $last_status
if test $code -ne 0
set --global _hydro_status "$_hydro_color_error| "(echo $last_status)" $_hydro_newline$_hydro_color_prompt$_hydro_color_error$hydro_symbol_prompt"
test "$CMD_DURATION" -lt $hydro_cmd_duration_threshold && set _hydro_cmd_duration && return
set --local secs (math --scale=1 $CMD_DURATION/1000 % 60)
set --local mins (math --scale=0 $CMD_DURATION/60000 % 60)
set --local hours (math --scale=0 $CMD_DURATION/3600000)
set --local out
test $hours -gt 0 && set --local --append out $hours"h"
test $mins -gt 0 && set --local --append out $mins"m"
test $secs -gt 0 && set --local --append out $secs"s"
set --global _hydro_cmd_duration "$out "
function _hydro_prompt --on-event fish_prompt
set --query _hydro_status || set --global _hydro_status "$_hydro_newline$_hydro_color_prompt$hydro_symbol_prompt"
set --query _hydro_pwd || _hydro_pwd
command kill $_hydro_last_pid 2>/dev/null
set --query _hydro_skip_git_prompt && set $_hydro_git && return
fish --private --command "
set branch (
command git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null ||
command git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD 2>/dev/null ||
command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null |
string replace --regex -- '(.+)' '@\$1'
test -z \"\$$_hydro_git\" && set --universal $_hydro_git \"\$branch \"
! command git diff-index --quiet HEAD 2>/dev/null ||
count (command git ls-files --others --exclude-standard) >/dev/null && set info \"$hydro_symbol_git_dirty\"
for fetch in $hydro_fetch false
command git rev-list --count --left-right @{upstream}...@ 2>/dev/null |
read behind ahead
switch \"\$behind \$ahead\"
case \" \" \"0 0\"
case \"0 *\"
set upstream \" $hydro_symbol_git_ahead\$ahead\"
case \"* 0\"
set upstream \" $hydro_symbol_git_behind\$behind\"
case \*
set upstream \" $hydro_symbol_git_ahead\$ahead $hydro_symbol_git_behind\$behind\"
set --universal $_hydro_git \"\$branch\$info\$upstream \"
test \$fetch = true && command git fetch --no-tags 2>/dev/null
" &
set --global _hydro_last_pid $last_pid
function _hydro_fish_exit --on-event fish_exit
set --erase $_hydro_git
function _hydro_uninstall --on-event hydro_uninstall
set --names |
string replace --filter --regex -- "^(_?hydro_)" "set --erase \$1" |
functions --erase (functions --all | string match --entire --regex "^_?hydro_")
set --global hydro_color_normal (set_color normal)
for color in hydro_color_{pwd,git,error,prompt,duration}
function $color --on-variable $color --inherit-variable color
set --query $color && set --global _$color (set_color $$color)
end && $color
function hydro_multiline --on-variable hydro_multiline
if test "$hydro_multiline" = true
set --global _hydro_newline "\n"
set --global _hydro_newline ""
end && hydro_multiline
set --query hydro_color_error || set --global hydro_color_error $fish_color_error
set --query hydro_symbol_prompt || set --global hydro_symbol_prompt ❱
set --query hydro_symbol_git_dirty || set --global hydro_symbol_git_dirty •
set --query hydro_symbol_git_ahead || set --global hydro_symbol_git_ahead ↑
set --query hydro_symbol_git_behind || set --global hydro_symbol_git_behind ↓
set --query hydro_multiline || set --global hydro_multiline false
set --query hydro_cmd_duration_threshold || set --global hydro_cmd_duration_threshold 1000
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
set --query nvm_mirror || set --global nvm_mirror
set --query XDG_DATA_HOME || set --local XDG_DATA_HOME ~/.local/share
set --global nvm_data $XDG_DATA_HOME/nvm
function _nvm_install --on-event nvm_install
test ! -d $nvm_data && command mkdir -p $nvm_data
echo "Downloading the Node distribution index..." 2>/dev/null
function _nvm_update --on-event nvm_update
set --query --universal nvm_data && set --erase --universal nvm_data
set --query --universal nvm_mirror && set --erase --universal nvm_mirror
set --query nvm_mirror || set --global nvm_mirror
function _nvm_uninstall --on-event nvm_uninstall
command rm -rf $nvm_data
set --query nvm_current_version && _nvm_version_deactivate $nvm_current_version
set --names | string replace --filter --regex -- "^nvm" "set --erase nvm" | source
functions --erase (functions --all | string match --entire --regex -- "^_nvm_")
if status is-interactive && set --query nvm_default_version && ! set --query nvm_current_version
nvm use --silent $nvm_default_version
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
set --global pure_version 4.11.0 # For bug report and tag-after-merge workflow
# Base colors
_pure_set_default pure_color_primary blue
_pure_set_default pure_color_info cyan
_pure_set_default pure_color_mute brblack
_pure_set_default pure_color_success magenta
_pure_set_default pure_color_normal normal
_pure_set_default pure_color_danger red
_pure_set_default pure_color_light white
_pure_set_default pure_color_warning yellow
_pure_set_default pure_color_dark black
# Prompt
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_prompt "❯"
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_reverse_prompt "❮" # used for VI mode
_pure_set_default pure_color_prompt_on_error pure_color_danger
_pure_set_default pure_color_prompt_on_success pure_color_success
# Current Working Directory
_pure_set_default pure_color_current_directory pure_color_primary
_pure_set_default pure_shorten_prompt_current_directory_length 0
_pure_set_default pure_truncate_prompt_current_directory_keeps -1
# Git
_pure_set_default pure_enable_git true
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_git_unpulled_commits "⇣"
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_git_unpushed_commits "⇡"
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_git_dirty "*"
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_git_stash "≡"
_pure_set_default pure_color_git_unpulled_commits pure_color_info
_pure_set_default pure_color_git_unpushed_commits pure_color_info
_pure_set_default pure_color_git_branch pure_color_mute
_pure_set_default pure_color_git_dirty pure_color_mute
_pure_set_default pure_color_git_stash pure_color_info
# Remote info (user@hostname) for SSH and containers (Docker/LXC)
_pure_set_default pure_color_hostname pure_color_mute
_pure_set_default pure_color_at_sign pure_color_mute
_pure_set_default pure_color_username_normal pure_color_mute
_pure_set_default pure_color_username_root pure_color_light
# Number of running jobs
_pure_set_default pure_show_jobs false
_pure_set_default pure_color_jobs pure_color_normal
# Show system time
_pure_set_default pure_show_system_time false
_pure_set_default pure_color_system_time pure_color_mute
# Nix build environment
_pure_set_default pure_enable_nixdevshell false
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_nixdevshell_prefix "❄️" # otherwise nerdfonts: '' or ''
_pure_set_default pure_color_nixdevshell_prefix pure_color_info
_pure_set_default pure_color_nixdevshell_symbol pure_color_mute
# env for Python
_pure_set_default pure_enable_virtualenv true
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_virtualenv_prefix "" # 🐍
_pure_set_default pure_color_virtualenv pure_color_mute
# AWS profile name
_pure_set_default pure_enable_aws_profile true
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_aws_profile_prefix "" # ☁️
_pure_set_default pure_color_aws_profile pure_color_warning
# Print current working directory at the beginning of prompt
# true (default): current directory, git, user@hostname (ssh-only), command duration
# false: user@hostname (ssh-only), current directory, git, command duration
_pure_set_default pure_begin_prompt_with_current_directory true
# Show exit code of last command as a separate prompt character (cf.
# false - single prompt character, default
# true - separate prompt character
_pure_set_default pure_separate_prompt_on_error false
# Max execution time of a process before its run time is shown when it exits
_pure_set_default pure_threshold_command_duration 5
_pure_set_default pure_show_subsecond_command_duration false
_pure_set_default pure_color_command_duration pure_color_warning
# VI mode indicator
# true (default): indicate a non-insert mode by reversing the prompt symbol (❮)
# false: indicate vi mode with [I], [N], [V]
_pure_set_default pure_reverse_prompt_symbol_in_vimode true
# Title
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_title_bar_separator -
_pure_set_default pure_shorten_window_title_current_directory_length 0
_pure_set_default pure_truncate_window_title_current_directory_keeps -1
# Check for new release on startup
_pure_set_default pure_check_for_new_release false
# Prefix prompt when logged in as root
_pure_set_default pure_show_prefix_root_prompt false
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_prefix_root_prompt "#"
_pure_set_default pure_color_prefix_root_prompt pure_color_danger
# Compact mode
_pure_set_default pure_enable_single_line_prompt false
# Detect when running in container (e.g. docker, podman, LXC/LXD)
_pure_set_default pure_enable_container_detection true
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_container_prefix "" # suggestion: '🐋' or '📦'
# Detect when running in SSH
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_ssh_prefix "" # suggestion: 'ssh:/' or '🔗🔐🔒🌐'
# Display Kubernetes/k8s context and namespace
_pure_set_default pure_enable_k8s false
_pure_set_default pure_symbol_k8s_prefix "☸" # ☸️
_pure_set_default pure_color_k8s_prefix pure_color_info
_pure_set_default pure_color_k8s_context pure_color_success
_pure_set_default pure_color_k8s_namespace pure_color_primary
Add table
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