{ lib, inputs, pkgs, config, lib', ... }: # thanks https://git.jacekpoz.pl/poz/niksos/src/commit/f8d5e7ccd9c769f7c0b564f10dff419285e75248/modules/services/greetd.nix let inherit (lib.attrsets) optionalAttrs; inherit (lib.meta) getExe getExe'; inherit (inputs.hyprland.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.system}) hyprland; inherit (lib'.generators) toHyprConf; styleCfg = config.local.style; hyprctl = getExe' hyprland "hyprctl"; Hyprland = getExe' hyprland "Hyprland"; greeter = getExe pkgs.greetd.gtkgreet; hyprlandConfig = pkgs.writeText "greetd-hyprland-config" (toHyprConf { attrs = { misc = { disable_hyprland_logo = true; force_default_wallpaper = false; focus_on_activate = true; }; animations = { enabled = false; first_launch_animation = false; }; workspace = "1,default:true,gapsout:0,gapsin:0,border:false,decorate:false"; exec-once = [ "[workspace 1;fullscreen;noanim] ${greeter} -l; ${hyprctl} dispatch exit" "${hyprctl} dispatch focuswindow ${greeter}" ]; } // optionalAttrs styleCfg.enable { env = [ "HYPRCURSOR_THEME,${styleCfg.cursorTheme.name}" "HYPRCURSOR_SIZE,${toString styleCfg.cursorTheme.size}" ]; }; }); in { config = lib.mkIf (config.local.systemVars.desktop == "Hyprland") { services.greetd = { enable = true; settings = { default_session = { command = "${Hyprland} --config ${hyprlandConfig}"; user = config.local.systemVars.username; }; }; }; security.pam.services = { greetd.enableGnomeKeyring = true; gdm-password.enableGnomeKeyring = true; greetd.fprintAuth = false; }; environment.etc."greetd/environments".text = let environments = [ { name = "Hyprland"; condition = with config.programs.hyprland; enable && !withUWSM; } { name = "uwsm start -S hyprland-uwsm.desktop"; condition = with config.programs.hyprland; enable && withUWSM; } { name = "sway"; condition = config.programs.sway.enable; } ]; in builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (env: env.name) (builtins.filter (env: env.condition) environments)); }; }