  // Position/size fields use an enum for the value, it can be either:
  // Absolute(n): The absolute value in pixels
  // Fraction(n): A fraction of the width or height of the full screen (depends on exclusive zones and the settings related to them) window respectively
  // The horizontal position, adjusted so that Relative(0.5) always centers the runner
  x: Fraction(0.5),

  // The vertical position, works the same as `x`
  y: Absolute(0),

  // The width of the runner
  width: Absolute(800),

  // The minimum height of the runner, the runner will expand to fit all the entries
  height: Absolute(0),
  // Hide match and plugin info icons  
  hide_icons: false, 

  // ignore exclusive zones, f.e. Waybar  
  ignore_exclusive_zones: false, 

  // Layer shell layer: Background, Bottom, Top, Overlay  
  layer: Overlay, 
  // Hide the plugin info panel
  hide_plugin_info: false, 

  // Close window when a click outside the main box is received
  close_on_click: false,

  // Show search results immediately when Anyrun starts
  show_results_immediately: true,

  // Limit amount of entries shown in total
  max_entries: None,