}: let
  inherit (lib) mkIf mkOption pathExists;
  inherit (lib.types) bool package str;
  cfg = config.theme.gtk;
in {
  options.theme.gtk = {
    enable = mkOption {
      type = bool;
      description = "enable GTK theming options";
      default = config.theme.enable;
    theme = {
      name = mkOption {
        type = str;
        description = "Name for the GTK theme";
        default = "rose-pine";
      package = mkOption {
        type = package;
        description = "Package providing the GTK theme";

        default = pkgs.rose-pine-gtk-theme;

    iconTheme = {
      name = mkOption {
        type = str;
        description = "The name for the icon theme that will be used for GTK programs";
        default = "rose-pine";

      package = mkOption {
        type = package;
        description = "The GTK icon theme to be used";
        default = pkgs.rose-pine-icon-theme;
  config = {
    assertions = [
        themePath = cfg.theme.package + /share/themes + "/${cfg.theme.name}";
      in {
        assertion = cfg.enable -> pathExists themePath;
        message = ''
          ${toString themePath} set by the GTK module does not exist!

          To suppress this message, make sure that
          `config.modules.theme.gtk.theme.package` contains
          the path `${cfg.theme.name}`

    programs.regreet = {
      theme = {
        inherit (cfg.theme) name package;
      iconTheme = {
        inherit (cfg.iconTheme) name package;
      cursorTheme = mkIf config.theme.enable {
        inherit (config.theme.cursorTheme) name package;

    home-manager.users.nezia = {
      gtk = {
        enable = true;
        iconTheme = {
          inherit (cfg.iconTheme) name package;
        theme = {
          inherit (cfg.theme) name package;