Anthony Rodriguez
As an initial step towards refactoring the theming module, the options have been split up from the configuration itself. This will allow to find available options quicker, and separate concerns nicely. It was also renamed to style, to avoid confusion with its own options (eg. gtk.theme).
630 lines
27 KiB
630 lines
27 KiB
}: let
inherit (lib) mkIf;
inherit (lib.strings) removePrefix;
inherit (lib') generateGtkColors;
cfg =;
in {
imports = [
config = let
scheme = inputs.basix.schemeData.base16.${cfg.schemeName};
mkIf cfg.enable
home-manager.users.${config.local.systemVars.username} = {
home.pointerCursor = {
inherit (cfg.cursorTheme) name package size;
x11.enable = true;
gtk.enable = true;
| =
generateGtkColors lib scheme.palette;
wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = {
env = [
general = {
border_size = 4;
"col.active_border" = "rgb(${removePrefix "#" scheme.palette.base0E})";
decoration = {
rounding = 10;
blur.enabled = true;
programs = {
hyprlock = {
settings = {
background = [
path = "screenshot";
blur_passes = 3;
blur_size = 8;
general = {
disable_loading_bar = true;
hide_cursor = true;
label = [
monitor = "";
text = "Layout: $LAYOUT";
font_size = 25;
color = scheme.palette.base05;
position = "30, -30";
halign = "left";
valign = "top";
monitor = "";
text = "$TIME";
font_size = 90;
color = scheme.palette.base05;
position = "-30, 0";
halign = "right";
valign = "top";
monitor = "";
text = "cmd[update:43200000] date +\"%A, %d %B %Y\"";
font_size = 25;
color = scheme.palette.base05;
position = "-30, -150";
halign = "right";
valign = "top";
image = {
monitor = "";
path = "${cfg.avatar}"; # Replace with your avatar path
size = 100;
border_color = scheme.palette.base0D;
position = "0, 75";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
input-field = [
monitor = "";
size = "300, 60";
outline_thickness = 4;
dots_size = 0.2;
dots_spacing = 0.2;
dots_center = true;
outer_color = scheme.palette.base0D;
inner_color = scheme.palette.base02;
font_color = scheme.palette.base05;
fade_on_empty = false;
placeholder_text = "<span foreground=\"#${scheme.palette.base03}\"><i> Logged in as </i><span foreground=\"#${scheme.palette.base0D}\">$USER</span></span>";
hide_input = false;
check_color = scheme.palette.base0D;
fail_color = scheme.palette.base08;
fail_text = "<i>$FAIL <b>($ATTEMPTS)</b></i>";
capslock_color = scheme.palette.base0E;
position = "0, -47";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
niri = {
settings = {
| = scheme.palette.base0D;
cursor = {
inherit (cfg.cursorTheme) size;
theme =;
foot.settings.colors = let
# because someone thought this was a great idea:
palette = builtins.mapAttrs (_: color: removePrefix "#" color) scheme.palette;
in {
background = palette.base00;
foreground = palette.base05;
regular0 = palette.base00;
regular1 = palette.base08;
regular2 = palette.base0B;
regular3 = palette.base0A;
regular4 = palette.base0D;
regular5 = palette.base0E;
regular6 = palette.base0C;
regular7 = palette.base05;
bright0 = palette.base02;
bright1 = palette.base08;
bright2 = palette.base0B;
bright3 = palette.base0A;
bright4 = palette.base0D;
bright5 = palette.base0E;
bright6 = palette.base0C;
bright7 = palette.base07;
"16" = palette.base09;
"17" = palette.base0F;
"18" = palette.base01;
"19" = palette.base02;
"20" = palette.base04;
"21" = palette.base06;
| =
generateGtkColors lib scheme.palette;
fuzzel.settings = {
main = {
font = "sans-serif:size=16";
colors = {
background = "${scheme.palette.base01}f2";
text = "${scheme.palette.base05}ff";
match = "${scheme.palette.base0E}ff";
selection = "${scheme.palette.base03}ff";
selection-text = "${scheme.palette.base06}ff";
selection-match = "${scheme.palette.base0E}ff";
border = "${scheme.palette.base0E}ff";
swaylock.settings = {
inside-color = scheme.palette.base01;
line-color = scheme.palette.base01;
ring-color = scheme.palette.base05;
text-color = scheme.palette.base05;
inside-clear-color = scheme.palette.base0A;
line-clear-color = scheme.palette.base0A;
ring-clear-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-clear-color = scheme.palette.base00;
inside-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base03;
line-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base03;
ring-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base00;
inside-ver-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
line-ver-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
ring-ver-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-ver-color = scheme.palette.base00;
inside-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base08;
line-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base08;
ring-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base00;
caps-lock-bs-hl-color = scheme.palette.base08;
caps-lock-key-hl-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
bs-hl-color = scheme.palette.base08;
key-hl-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
separator-color = "#00000000"; # transparent
layout-bg-color = "#00000050"; # semi-transparent black
zathura.options = {
default-fg = scheme.palette.base01;
default-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
completion-bg = scheme.palette.base01;
completion-fg = scheme.palette.base0D;
completion-highlight-bg = scheme.palette.base0D;
completion-highlight-fg = scheme.palette.base07;
statusbar-fg = scheme.palette.base04;
statusbar-bg = scheme.palette.base02;
notification-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
notification-fg = scheme.palette.base07;
notification-error-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
notification-error-fg = scheme.palette.base08;
notification-warning-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
notification-warning-fg = scheme.palette.base0A;
inputbar-fg = scheme.palette.base07;
inputbar-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
recolor = false;
recolor-keephue = false;
recolor-lightcolor = scheme.palette.base00;
recolor-darkcolor = scheme.palette.base06;
highlight-color = scheme.palette.base0A;
highlight-active-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
gnome-terminal.profile = {
"4621184a-b921-42cf-80a0-7784516606f2".colors = {
backgroundColor = "#${scheme.palette.base00}";
foregroundColor = "#${scheme.palette.base05}" "#${scheme.palette.base05}";
palette = builtins.attrValues (builtins.mapAttrs (_: color: "#${color}") scheme.palette);
fish.interactiveShellInit = ''
set fish_cursor_default block blink
set fish_cursor_insert line blink
set fish_cursor_replace_one underscore blink
set fish_cursor_visual block
set -x fish_color_autosuggestion brblack
set -x fish_color_cancel -r
set -x fish_color_command brgreen
set -x fish_color_comment brmagenta
set -x fish_color_cwd green
set -x fish_color_cwd_root red
set -x fish_color_end brmagenta
set -x fish_color_error brred
set -x fish_color_escape brcyan
set -x fish_color_history_current --bold
set -x fish_color_host normal
set -x fish_color_host_remote yellow
set -x fish_color_match --background=brblue
set -x fish_color_normal normal
set -x fish_color_operator cyan
set -x fish_color_param brblue
set -x fish_color_quote yellow
set -x fish_color_redirection bryellow
set -x fish_color_search_match 'bryellow' '--background=brblack'
set -x fish_color_selection 'white' '--bold' '--background=brblack'
set -x fish_color_status red
set -x fish_color_user brgreen
set -x fish_color_valid_path --underline
set -x fish_pager_color_completion normal
set -x fish_pager_color_description yellow
set -x fish_pager_color_prefix 'white' '--bold' '--underline'
set -x fish_pager_color_progress 'brwhite' '--background=cyan'
starship.settings = {
directory = {
style = "bold yellow";
character = {
format = "$symbol ";
success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)";
error_symbol = "[✗](bold red)";
vicmd_symbol = "[](bold green)";
cmd_duration = {
style = "yellow";
format = "[ $duration]($style)";
nvf.settings.vim.theme = {
enable = true;
name = "base16";
base16-colors = scheme.palette;
xdg.configFile."equibop/themes/midnight-base16.css".text = with scheme.palette; ''
* @name Midnight-base16
* @description A dark, rounded discord theme. Updated to use base16 colors.
* @author refact0r
* @version 1.6.2
* @invite nz87hXyvcy
* @website
* @source
* @authorId 508863359777505290
* @authorLink
/* IMPORTANT: make sure to enable dark mode in discord settings for the theme to apply properly!!! */
@import url('');
/* customize things here */
:root {
/* font, change to 'gg sans' for default discord font*/
--font: 'gg sans';
/* top left corner text */
--corner-text: '${}';
/* color of status indicators and window controls */
--online-indicator: ${base0B}; /* change to #23a55a for default green */
--dnd-indicator: ${base08}; /* change to #f13f43 for default red */
--idle-indicator: ${base0A}; /* change to #f0b232 for default yellow */
--streaming-indicator: ${base0E}; /* change to #593695 for default purple */
/* accent colors */
--accent-1: ${base0D}; /* links */
--accent-2: ${base0E}; /* general unread/mention elements, some icons when active */
--accent-3: ${base0E}; /* accent buttons */
--accent-4: ${base03}; /* accent buttons when hovered */
--accent-5: ${base07}; /* accent buttons when clicked */
--mention: ${base00}1a; /* mentions & mention messages */
--mention-hover: ${base00}0d; /* mentions & mention messages when hovered */
/* text colors */
--text-0: var(--bg-4); /* text on colored elements */
--text-1: ${base06}; /* other normally white text */
--text-2: ${base06}; /* headings and important text */
--text-3: ${base05}; /* normal text */
--text-4: ${base05}; /* icon buttons and channels */
--text-5: ${base04}; /* muted channels/chats and timestamps */
/* background and dark colors */
--bg-1: ${base0E}; /* dark buttons when clicked */
--bg-2: ${base02}; /* dark buttons */
--bg-3: ${base01}; /* spacing, secondary elements */
--bg-4: ${base00}; /* main background color */
--hover: ${base03}1a; /* channels and buttons when hovered */
--active: ${base03}33; /* channels and buttons when clicked or selected */
--message-hover: #0000001a; /* messages when hovered */
/* amount of spacing and padding */
--spacing: 12px;
/* animations */
--list-item-transition: 0.2s ease; /* channels/members/settings hover transition */
--unread-bar-transition: 0.2s ease; /* unread bar moving into view transition */
--moon-spin-transition: 0.4s ease; /* moon icon spin */
--icon-spin-transition: 1s ease; /* round icon button spin (settings, emoji, etc.) */
/* corner roundness (border-radius) */
--roundness-xl: 22px; /* roundness of big panel outer corners */
--roundness-l: 20px; /* popout panels */
--roundness-m: 16px; /* smaller panels, images, embeds */
--roundness-s: 12px; /* members, settings inputs */
--roundness-xs: 10px; /* channels, buttons */
--roundness-xxs: 8px; /* searchbar, small elements */
/* direct messages moon icon */
/* change to block to show, none to hide */
--discord-icon: none; /* discord icon */
--moon-icon: block; /* moon icon */
--moon-icon-url: url(''); /* custom icon url */
--moon-icon-size: auto;
/* filter uncolorable elements to fit theme */
/* (just set to none, they're too much work to configure) */
--login-bg-filter: saturate(0.3) hue-rotate(-15deg) brightness(0.4); /* login background artwork */
--green-to-accent-3-filter: hue-rotate(56deg) saturate(1.43); /* add friend page explore icon */
--blurple-to-accent-3-filter: hue-rotate(304deg) saturate(0.84) brightness(1.2); /* add friend page school icon */
/* Selected chat/friend text */
.selected_f6f816 .link_d8bfb3 {
color: var(--text-0) !important;
background: var(--accent-3) !important;
.selected_f6f816 .link_d8bfb3 * {
color: var(--text-0) !important;
fill: var(--text-0) !important;
# based on adapted to work with base16 colors.
xdg.configFile."tidal-hifi/themes/base16.css".text = with scheme.palette; ''
:root {
--glass-white-1: ${base05};
--glass-white-1-hover: ${base06};
--glass-white-2: ${base07};
--glass-white-2-hover: ${base08};
--glass-white-3: ${base07};
--glass-white-4: ${base04};
--glass-white-5: ${base04};
--glass-white-6: ${base05};
--snow-white: ${base07};
--snow-white-hover: ${base08};
--gray-4: ${base00};
--gray-5: ${base02};
--gray-6: ${base03};
--gray-7: ${base04};
--cyan-blue: ${base0D};
--cyan-blue-hover: ${base0C};
--glass-cyan-1: ${base04};
--glass-cyan-2: ${base05};
--glass-cyan-3: ${base06};
--master-gold: ${base0E};
--master-gold-hover: ${base08};
--glass-master-gold: ${base05};
--glass-master-gold-2: ${base06};
--raspberry-pink: ${base08};
--raspberry-pink-lighter: ${base09};
--black: ${base00};
--midnight-black: ${base00};
--controls-overlay: ${base03};
--duration-overlay: ${base02};
--background-dark: ${base00};
--hoverLighten: brightness(130%);
--hoverDarken: brightness(70%);
--hoverTransition: filter 0.15s ease;
--scrollbar-track: ${base03};
--scrollbar-thumb: ${base00};
--lighten-25: ${base01};
--red-alert: ${base08};
--user-profile-linear-gradient: linear-gradient(160deg,${base0D} 1.22%,${base0C} 40.51%,${base00} 79.07%);
--wave-border-radius--none: 0px;
--wave-border-radius--extra-small: 4px;
--wave-border-radius--small: 8px;
--wave-border-radius--regular: 12px;
--wave-border-radius--full: 1000px;
--wave-color-material-dark: ${base00}80;
--wave-color-material-light: ${base04}33;
--wave-color-opacity-accent-dark-ultra-thick: ${base0C}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-accent-darkest-ultra-thick: ${base01};
--wave-color-opacity-accent-fill-regular: ${base0C}66;
--wave-color-opacity-accent-fill-thin: ${base0C}33;
--wave-color-opacity-accent-fill-ultra-thick: ${base0C}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-accent-fill-ultra-thin: ${base0C}1a;
--wave-color-opacity-base-bright-thick: ${base00}99;
--wave-color-opacity-base-bright-thin: ${base00}33;
--wave-color-opacity-base-bright-transparent: ${base00};
--wave-color-opacity-base-bright-ultra-thick: ${base00}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-base-brighter-ultra-thick: ${base01}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-base-brightest-regular: ${base02}66;
--wave-color-opacity-base-brightest-thin: ${base02}33;
--wave-color-opacity-base-brightest-ultra-thin: ${base02}1a;
--wave-color-opacity-base-fill-regular: ${base00}66;
--wave-color-opacity-base-fill-thick: ${base00}99;
--wave-color-opacity-base-fill-thin: ${base00}33;
--wave-color-opacity-base-fill-transparent: #000;
--wave-color-opacity-base-fill-ultra-thick: ${base00}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-base-fill-ultra-thin: ${base00}1a;
--wave-color-opacity-contrast-fill-regular: ${base07}66;
--wave-color-opacity-contrast-fill-thick: ${base07}99;
--wave-color-opacity-contrast-fill-thin: ${base07}33;
--wave-color-opacity-contrast-fill-transparent: #fff;
--wave-color-opacity-contrast-fill-ultra-thick: ${base07}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-contrast-fill-ultra-thin: ${base07}1a;
--wave-color-opacity-rainbow-blue-thin: ${base0D}33;
--wave-color-opacity-rainbow-yellow-fill-regular: ${base0E}66;
--wave-color-opacity-rainbow-yellow-fill-thin: ${base0E}33;
--wave-color-opacity-rainbow-yellow-fill-ultra-thick: ${base0E}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-rainbow-yellow-fill-ultra-thin: ${base0E}1a;
--wave-color-opacity-special-fill-regular: ${base0E}66;
--wave-color-opacity-special-fill-thin: ${base0E}33;
--wave-color-opacity-special-fill-ultra-thick: ${base0E}cc;
--wave-color-opacity-special-fill-ultra-thin: ${base0E}1a;
--wave-color-services-facebook: ${base0D};
--wave-color-services-instagram-red: ${base08};
--wave-color-services-mtn: ${base0E};
--wave-color-services-musix-orange: ${base09};
--wave-color-services-musix-pink: ${base0E};
--wave-color-services-play: ${base0C};
--wave-color-services-plus: ${base0B};
--wave-color-services-snapchat: ${base0A};
--wave-color-services-sprint: ${base0A};
--wave-color-services-t-mobile: ${base08};
--wave-color-services-tik-tok-blue: ${base0D};
--wave-color-services-tik-tok-red: ${base08};
--wave-color-services-twitter: ${base0D};
--wave-color-services-viacom-1: ${base0D};
--wave-color-services-viacom-2: ${base0E};
--wave-color-services-viacom-3: ${base08};
--wave-color-services-viacom-4: ${base09};
--wave-color-services-viacom-5: ${base0E};
--wave-color-services-vivo: ${base0E};
--wave-color-services-vodafone: ${base08};
--wave-color-services-waze: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-accent-bright: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-accent-brighter: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-accent-dark: ${base0C};
--wave-color-solid-accent-darker: ${base01};
--wave-color-solid-accent-darkest: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-accent-fill: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-base-bright: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-base-brighter: ${base01};
--wave-color-solid-base-brightest: ${base02};
--wave-color-solid-base-fill: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-contrast-dark: ${base07};
--wave-color-solid-contrast-darker: ${base06};
--wave-color-solid-contrast-darkest: ${base05};
--wave-color-solid-contrast-fill: ${base07};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-blue-fill: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-green-brighter: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-green-dark: ${base0C};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-green-darker: ${base0C};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-green-darkest: ${base01};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-green-fill: ${base0D};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-orange-fill: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-purple-fill: ${base0E};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-red-bright: ${base08};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-red-brighter: ${base08};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-red-dark: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-red-darker: ${base01};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-red-darkest: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-red-fill: ${base08};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-yellow-bright: ${base0A};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-yellow-brighter: ${base06};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-yellow-dark: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-yellow-darker: ${base01};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-yellow-darkest: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-rainbow-yellow-fill: ${base0A};
--wave-color-solid-special-bright: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-special-brighter: ${base06};
--wave-color-solid-special-dark: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-special-darker: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-special-darkest: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-special-fill: ${base0E};
--wave-color-solid-warning-bright: ${base08};
--wave-color-solid-warning-brighter: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-warning-dark: ${base09};
--wave-color-solid-warning-darker: ${base01};
--wave-color-solid-warning-darkest: ${base00};
--wave-color-solid-warning-fill: ${base08};
--wave-color-text-disabled: ${base02};
--wave-color-text-link: ${base0D};
--wave-color-text-main: ${base07};
--wave-color-text-placeholder: ${base02};
--wave-color-text-secondary: ${base06};
--wave-color-text-tertiary: ${base05};
--wave-font-weight--bold: 700;
--wave-font-weight--demi: 600;
--wave-font-weight--medium: 500;
--wave-opacity--ultra-thin: .05;
--wave-opacity--thin: .1;
--wave-opacity--regular: .4;
--wave-opacity--thick: .6;
--wave-opacity--ultra-thick: .8;
--wave-spacing--extra-extra-large: 64px;
--wave-spacing--extra-large: 40px;
--wave-spacing--large: 24px;
--wave-spacing--medium: 20px;
--wave-spacing--regular: 16px;
--wave-spacing--small: 12px;
--wave-spacing--extra-small: 8px;
--wave-spacing--extra-extra-small: 4px;
.wave-text-caption-demi, .tidal-ui__v-stack {
color: var(--wave-color-solid-accent-bright) !important;
.tidal-ui__icon {
fill: var(--wave-color-solid-rainbow-purple-fill) !important;
stroke: var(--wave-color-solid-rainbow-purple-fill) !important;
gtk = rec {
gtk3.extraConfig = {
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = scheme.variant == "dark";
gtk4.extraConfig = gtk3.extraConfig;
dconf.settings."org/gnome/desktop/interface".color-scheme = "prefer-${scheme.variant}";