498 lines
18 KiB
498 lines
18 KiB
}: let
inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkOption mkIf attrNames;
inherit (lib.strings) removePrefix;
inherit (lib.types) path package enum;
inherit (lib') generateGtkColors;
cfg = config.theme;
in {
imports = [
options.theme = {
enable = mkEnableOption "theme";
schemeName = mkOption {
description = ''
Name of the tinted-theming color scheme to use.
type = enum (attrNames inputs.basix.schemeData.base16);
example = "catppuccin-mocha";
default = "catppuccin-mocha";
wallpaper = mkOption {
description = ''
Location of the wallpaper that will be used throughout the system.
type = path;
example = lib.literalExpression "./wallpaper.png";
default = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixos-artwork/e0cf0eb237dc5baba86661a3572b20a6183c1876/wallpapers/nix-wallpaper-nineish-catppuccin-frappe.png?raw=true";
hash = "sha256-/HAtpGwLxjNfJvX5/4YZfM8jPNStaM3gisK8+ImRmQ4=";
cursorTheme = {
name = mkOption {
description = ''
Name of the cursor theme.
default = "phinger-cursors-dark";
package = mkOption {
type = package;
description = ''
Package providing the cursor theme.
default = pkgs.phinger-cursors;
size = mkOption {
description = ''
Size of the cursor.
default = 32;
avatar = mkOption {
description = ''
Path to an avatar image (used for hyprlock).
default = ../../assets/avatar.png;
config = let
scheme = inputs.basix.schemeData.base16.${config.theme.schemeName};
mkIf cfg.enable
home-manager.users.nezia = {
home.pointerCursor = {
inherit (config.theme.cursorTheme) name package size;
x11.enable = true;
gtk.enable = true;
services.swaync.style =
generateGtkColors lib scheme.palette;
wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = {
env = [
general = {
border_size = 4;
"col.active_border" = "rgb(${removePrefix "#" scheme.palette.base0E})";
decoration = {
rounding = 10;
blur.enabled = true;
programs = {
hyprlock = {
settings = {
background = [
path = "screenshot";
blur_passes = 3;
blur_size = 8;
general = {
disable_loading_bar = true;
hide_cursor = true;
label = [
monitor = "";
text = "Layout: $LAYOUT";
font_size = 25;
color = scheme.palette.base05;
position = "30, -30";
halign = "left";
valign = "top";
monitor = "";
text = "$TIME";
font_size = 90;
color = scheme.palette.base05;
position = "-30, 0";
halign = "right";
valign = "top";
monitor = "";
text = "cmd[update:43200000] date +\"%A, %d %B %Y\"";
font_size = 25;
color = scheme.palette.base05;
position = "-30, -150";
halign = "right";
valign = "top";
image = {
monitor = "";
path = "${cfg.avatar}"; # Replace with your avatar path
size = 100;
border_color = scheme.palette.base0D;
position = "0, 75";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
input-field = [
monitor = "";
size = "300, 60";
outline_thickness = 4;
dots_size = 0.2;
dots_spacing = 0.2;
dots_center = true;
outer_color = scheme.palette.base0D;
inner_color = scheme.palette.base02;
font_color = scheme.palette.base05;
fade_on_empty = false;
placeholder_text = "<span foreground=\"#${scheme.palette.base03}\"><i> Logged in as </i><span foreground=\"#${scheme.palette.base0D}\">$USER</span></span>";
hide_input = false;
check_color = scheme.palette.base0D;
fail_color = scheme.palette.base08;
fail_text = "<i>$FAIL <b>($ATTEMPTS)</b></i>";
capslock_color = scheme.palette.base0E;
position = "0, -47";
halign = "center";
valign = "center";
niri = {
settings = {
layout.focus-ring.active.color = scheme.palette.base0D;
cursor = {
inherit (config.theme.cursorTheme) size;
theme = config.theme.cursorTheme.name;
foot.settings.colors = let
# because someone thought this was a great idea: https://github.com/tinted-theming/schemes/commit/61058a8d2e2bd4482b53d57a68feb56cdb991f0b
palette = builtins.mapAttrs (_: color: removePrefix "#" color) scheme.palette;
in {
background = palette.base00;
foreground = palette.base05;
regular0 = palette.base00;
regular1 = palette.base08;
regular2 = palette.base0B;
regular3 = palette.base0A;
regular4 = palette.base0D;
regular5 = palette.base0E;
regular6 = palette.base0C;
regular7 = palette.base05;
bright0 = palette.base02;
bright1 = palette.base08;
bright2 = palette.base0B;
bright3 = palette.base0A;
bright4 = palette.base0D;
bright5 = palette.base0E;
bright6 = palette.base0C;
bright7 = palette.base07;
"16" = palette.base09;
"17" = palette.base0F;
"18" = palette.base01;
"19" = palette.base02;
"20" = palette.base04;
"21" = palette.base06;
waybar.style =
generateGtkColors lib scheme.palette;
fuzzel.settings = {
main = {
font = "sans-serif:size=16";
colors = {
background = "${scheme.palette.base01}f2";
text = "${scheme.palette.base05}ff";
match = "${scheme.palette.base0E}ff";
selection = "${scheme.palette.base03}ff";
selection-text = "${scheme.palette.base06}ff";
selection-match = "${scheme.palette.base0E}ff";
border = "${scheme.palette.base0E}ff";
swaylock.settings = {
inside-color = scheme.palette.base01;
line-color = scheme.palette.base01;
ring-color = scheme.palette.base05;
text-color = scheme.palette.base05;
inside-clear-color = scheme.palette.base0A;
line-clear-color = scheme.palette.base0A;
ring-clear-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-clear-color = scheme.palette.base00;
inside-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base03;
line-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base03;
ring-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-caps-lock-color = scheme.palette.base00;
inside-ver-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
line-ver-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
ring-ver-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-ver-color = scheme.palette.base00;
inside-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base08;
line-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base08;
ring-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base00;
text-wrong-color = scheme.palette.base00;
caps-lock-bs-hl-color = scheme.palette.base08;
caps-lock-key-hl-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
bs-hl-color = scheme.palette.base08;
key-hl-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
separator-color = "#00000000"; # transparent
layout-bg-color = "#00000050"; # semi-transparent black
zathura.options = {
default-fg = scheme.palette.base01;
default-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
completion-bg = scheme.palette.base01;
completion-fg = scheme.palette.base0D;
completion-highlight-bg = scheme.palette.base0D;
completion-highlight-fg = scheme.palette.base07;
statusbar-fg = scheme.palette.base04;
statusbar-bg = scheme.palette.base02;
notification-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
notification-fg = scheme.palette.base07;
notification-error-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
notification-error-fg = scheme.palette.base08;
notification-warning-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
notification-warning-fg = scheme.palette.base0A;
inputbar-fg = scheme.palette.base07;
inputbar-bg = scheme.palette.base00;
recolor = false;
recolor-keephue = false;
recolor-lightcolor = scheme.palette.base00;
recolor-darkcolor = scheme.palette.base06;
highlight-color = scheme.palette.base0A;
highlight-active-color = scheme.palette.base0D;
gnome-terminal.profile = {
"4621184a-b921-42cf-80a0-7784516606f2".colors = {
backgroundColor = "#${scheme.palette.base00}";
foregroundColor = "#${scheme.palette.base05}" "#${scheme.palette.base05}";
palette = builtins.attrValues (builtins.mapAttrs (_: color: "#${color}") scheme.palette);
fish.interactiveShellInit = ''
set fish_cursor_default block blink
set fish_cursor_insert line blink
set fish_cursor_replace_one underscore blink
set fish_cursor_visual block
set -x fish_color_autosuggestion brblack
set -x fish_color_cancel -r
set -x fish_color_command brgreen
set -x fish_color_comment brmagenta
set -x fish_color_cwd green
set -x fish_color_cwd_root red
set -x fish_color_end brmagenta
set -x fish_color_error brred
set -x fish_color_escape brcyan
set -x fish_color_history_current --bold
set -x fish_color_host normal
set -x fish_color_host_remote yellow
set -x fish_color_match --background=brblue
set -x fish_color_normal normal
set -x fish_color_operator cyan
set -x fish_color_param brblue
set -x fish_color_quote yellow
set -x fish_color_redirection bryellow
set -x fish_color_search_match 'bryellow' '--background=brblack'
set -x fish_color_selection 'white' '--bold' '--background=brblack'
set -x fish_color_status red
set -x fish_color_user brgreen
set -x fish_color_valid_path --underline
set -x fish_pager_color_completion normal
set -x fish_pager_color_description yellow
set -x fish_pager_color_prefix 'white' '--bold' '--underline'
set -x fish_pager_color_progress 'brwhite' '--background=cyan'
starship.settings = {
directory = {
style = "bold yellow";
character = {
format = "$symbol ";
success_symbol = "[➜](bold green)";
error_symbol = "[✗](bold red)";
vicmd_symbol = "[](bold green)";
cmd_duration = {
style = "yellow";
format = "[ $duration]($style)";
nvf.settings.vim.theme = {
enable = true;
name = "base16";
base16-colors = scheme.palette;
xdg.configFile."equibop/themes/midnight-base16.css".text = with scheme.palette; ''
* @name Midnight-base16
* @description A dark, rounded discord theme. Updated to use base16 colors.
* @author refact0r
* @version 1.6.2
* @invite nz87hXyvcy
* @website https://github.com/refact0r/midnight-discord
* @source https://github.com/refact0r/midnight-discord/blob/master/midnight.theme.css
* @authorId 508863359777505290
* @authorLink https://www.refact0r.dev
/* IMPORTANT: make sure to enable dark mode in discord settings for the theme to apply properly!!! */
@import url('https://refact0r.github.io/midnight-discord/midnight.css');
/* customize things here */
:root {
/* font, change to 'gg sans' for default discord font*/
--font: 'gg sans';
/* top left corner text */
--corner-text: '${scheme.name}';
/* color of status indicators and window controls */
--online-indicator: ${base0B}; /* change to #23a55a for default green */
--dnd-indicator: ${base08}; /* change to #f13f43 for default red */
--idle-indicator: ${base0A}; /* change to #f0b232 for default yellow */
--streaming-indicator: ${base0E}; /* change to #593695 for default purple */
/* accent colors */
--accent-1: ${base0D}; /* links */
--accent-2: ${base0E}; /* general unread/mention elements, some icons when active */
--accent-3: ${base0E}; /* accent buttons */
--accent-4: ${base03}; /* accent buttons when hovered */
--accent-5: ${base07}; /* accent buttons when clicked */
--mention: ${base00}1a; /* mentions & mention messages */
--mention-hover: ${base00}0d; /* mentions & mention messages when hovered */
/* text colors */
--text-0: var(--bg-4); /* text on colored elements */
--text-1: ${base06}; /* other normally white text */
--text-2: ${base06}; /* headings and important text */
--text-3: ${base05}; /* normal text */
--text-4: ${base05}; /* icon buttons and channels */
--text-5: ${base04}; /* muted channels/chats and timestamps */
/* background and dark colors */
--bg-1: ${base0E}; /* dark buttons when clicked */
--bg-2: ${base02}; /* dark buttons */
--bg-3: ${base01}; /* spacing, secondary elements */
--bg-4: ${base00}; /* main background color */
--hover: ${base03}1a; /* channels and buttons when hovered */
--active: ${base03}33; /* channels and buttons when clicked or selected */
--message-hover: #0000001a; /* messages when hovered */
/* amount of spacing and padding */
--spacing: 12px;
/* animations */
--list-item-transition: 0.2s ease; /* channels/members/settings hover transition */
--unread-bar-transition: 0.2s ease; /* unread bar moving into view transition */
--moon-spin-transition: 0.4s ease; /* moon icon spin */
--icon-spin-transition: 1s ease; /* round icon button spin (settings, emoji, etc.) */
/* corner roundness (border-radius) */
--roundness-xl: 22px; /* roundness of big panel outer corners */
--roundness-l: 20px; /* popout panels */
--roundness-m: 16px; /* smaller panels, images, embeds */
--roundness-s: 12px; /* members, settings inputs */
--roundness-xs: 10px; /* channels, buttons */
--roundness-xxs: 8px; /* searchbar, small elements */
/* direct messages moon icon */
/* change to block to show, none to hide */
--discord-icon: none; /* discord icon */
--moon-icon: block; /* moon icon */
--moon-icon-url: url('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Font_Awesome_5_solid_moon.svg'); /* custom icon url */
--moon-icon-size: auto;
/* filter uncolorable elements to fit theme */
/* (just set to none, they're too much work to configure) */
--login-bg-filter: saturate(0.3) hue-rotate(-15deg) brightness(0.4); /* login background artwork */
--green-to-accent-3-filter: hue-rotate(56deg) saturate(1.43); /* add friend page explore icon */
--blurple-to-accent-3-filter: hue-rotate(304deg) saturate(0.84) brightness(1.2); /* add friend page school icon */
/* Selected chat/friend text */
.selected_f6f816 .link_d8bfb3 {
color: var(--text-0) !important;
background: var(--accent-3) !important;
.selected_f6f816 .link_d8bfb3 * {
color: var(--text-0) !important;
fill: var(--text-0) !important;
gtk = rec {
gtk3.extraConfig = {
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = scheme.variant == "dark";
gtk4.extraConfig = gtk3.extraConfig;
dconf.settings."org/gnome/desktop/interface".color-scheme = "prefer-${scheme.variant}";