Anthony Rodriguez 61372c7e34
treewide: remove home-manager (switch to hjem)
As my NixOS configuration kept growing, I noticed that I don't need
home-manager as much as I did before. A lot of what I need is just a way
to map nix attrsets to the program's respective configuration format,
which is something that I can now do myself, as my nix knowledge got
more extensive. After all of this, I decided to completely get rid of
home-manager, and switch to a simpler solution called hjem, which just
lets me write files to my home directory that are automatically
symlinked using `systemd-tmpfiles`.

This allows me to simplify my configuration, remove the separation
between NixOS and home-manager modules, and cut my eval times by quite a
lot (which allows for faster `nixos-rebuild switch`!).
2025-02-13 16:42:54 +01:00

167 lines
5.2 KiB

}: let
inherit (builtins) toString;
inherit (lib) mkIf;
inherit (lib'.generators) toHyprConf;
inherit (config.local.systemVars) username;
styleCfg = config.local.style;
gnomeControlCenter = pkgs.gnome-control-center.overrideAttrs (old: {
postInstall =
+ ''
for panel in $dir/*
[ "$panel" = "$dir/gnome-network-panel.desktop" ] && continue
[ "$panel" = "$dir/gnome-bluetooth-panel.desktop" ] && continue
[ "$panel" = "$dir/gnome-wifi-panel.desktop" ] && continue
[ "$panel" = "$dir/gnome-wwan-panel.desktop" ] && continue
[ "$panel" = "$dir/gnome-sharing-panel.desktop" ] && continue
[ "$panel" = "$dir/gnome-wacom-panel.desktop" ] && continue
rm "$panel"
in {
config = mkIf config.local.modules.hyprland.enable {
environment.systemPackages = [
programs.hyprland = {
enable = true;
package = inputs.hyprland.packages.${pkgs.system}.hyprland;
portalPackage = inputs.hyprland.packages.${pkgs.system}.xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland;
withUWSM = true;
systemd.setPath.enable = true;
# copied from https://github.com/linyinfeng/dotfiles/blob/91b0363b093303f57885cbae9da7f8a99bbb4432/nixos/profiles/graphical/niri/default.nix#L17-L29
security.pam.services.hyprlock.text = mkIf config.services.fprintd.enable ''
account required pam_unix.so
# check passwork before fprintd
auth sufficient pam_unix.so try_first_pass likeauth
auth sufficient ${pkgs.fprintd}/lib/security/pam_fprintd.so
auth required pam_deny.so
password sufficient pam_unix.so nullok yescrypt
session required pam_env.so conffile=/etc/pam/environment readenv=0
session required pam_unix.so
hjem.users.${username} = {
packages = [
files.".config/hypr/hyprland.conf".text = toHyprConf {
attrs =
xwayland = {
force_zero_scaling = true;
env = [
cursor = {
no_hardware_cursors = 1;
monitor = [
"eDP-1, preferred, auto, 1.33"
workspace = [
"special:terminal, on-created-empty:foot"
"special:mixer_gui, on-created-empty:pavucontrol"
"special:file_manager_gui, on-created-empty:nautilus"
"special:file_manager_tui, on-created-empty:foot -- yazi"
windowrulev2 = [
# fixes fullscreen windows (mostly games)
"stayfocused, initialtitle:^()$, initialclass:^(steam)$"
"minsize 1 1, initialtitle:^()$, initialclass:^(steam)$"
"maximize, initialtitle:^(\S+)$, initialclass:^(steamwebhelper)$"
"immediate, initialclass:^(steam_app_)(.*)$"
"fullscreen, initialclass:^(steam_app_)(.*)$"
# inhibit idle on every fullscreen app except games
"idleinhibit always, fullscreen:1,!initialclass:^(steam_app_)(.*)$"
render = {
explicit_sync = 1;
explicit_sync_kms = 1;
expand_undersized_textures = false;
bezier = "overshot, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.1";
animations = {
enabled = true;
animation = [
"windows, 1, 5, overshot"
"windowsOut, 1, 5, default, popin 80%"
"windowsMove, 1, 5, default, popin 80%"
"fade, 1, 5, default"
"border, 1, 5, default"
"borderangle, 0, 8, default"
"workspaces, 0"
"specialWorkspace, 0"
input = {
kb_options = "compose:ralt";
touchpad = {
natural_scroll = true;
scroll_factor = 0.8;
tap-to-click = true;
clickfinger_behavior = true;
gestures = {
workspace_swipe = true;
workspace_swipe_direction_lock = false;
workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio = 0.15;
misc = {
force_default_wallpaper = 0;
disable_hyprland_logo = true;
middle_click_paste = false;
// lib.optionalAttrs styleCfg.enable {
env = [
"HYPRCURSOR_SIZE,${toString styleCfg.cursorTheme.size}"
"XCURSOR_SIZE,${toString styleCfg.cursorTheme.size}"
general = {
border_size = 4;
"col.active_border" = "rgb(${lib.removePrefix "#" styleCfg.scheme.palette.base0E})";
decoration = {
rounding = 10;
blur.enabled = true;
// import ./binds.nix lib;