Initially, I was using a weird combination of options in order to apply my theme dynamically. I was setting a read-only option from inside my modules, which was then used in every application that required it. What I ended up doing is refactoring everything in order to be inside of my theme module, and automatically configured when enabled, without doing any mkMerge/mkIf shenanigans in my other pieces of configuration. This is healthier, although it should be split up as the theme/default.nix got quite big.
178 lines
4.5 KiB
178 lines
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}: let
inherit (lib) getExe mkMerge mkIf;
inherit (builtins) readFile;
in {
programs.waybar = {
enable = true;
systemd.enable = true;
style = readFile ./style.css;
settings = {
mainBar = mkMerge [
layer = "top";
position = "top";
height = 30;
margin-top = 6;
margin-left = 6;
margin-right = 6;
margin-bottom = 0;
modules-left = ["niri/workspaces" "niri/window"];
modules-center = ["group/clock"];
modules-right =
["tray" "group/status" "group/power"]
++ lib.optional "custom/notification";
battery = {
interval = 10;
states = {
warning = 30;
critical = 15;
format = "{icon} {capacity}%";
format-charging = " {capacity}% - {time}";
format-full = " {capacity}% - Full";
format-icons = [
max-length = 25;
"pulseaudio" = {
format = "{icon} {volume}%";
format-bluetooth = "{icon} {volume}%";
format-muted = " ";
format-icons = {
"alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo" = "";
"alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo-muted" = "";
headphone = "";
hands-free = "";
headset = "";
phone = "";
phone-muted = "";
portable = "";
car = "";
default = [
scroll-step = 1;
on-click = "pavucontrol";
ignored-sinks = [
"Easy Effects Sink"
"power-profiles-daemon" = {
format-icons = {
default = "";
performance = "";
balanced = "";
power-saver = "";
"group/status" = {
orientation = "inherit";
modules = [
"group/power" = {
orientation = "inherit";
modules = [
"group/clock" = {
orientation = "inherit";
modules = [
"custom/power" = {
format = "";
tooltip = false;
on-click = getExe pkgs.wlogout;
"clock#date" = {
format = "{:%D}";
tooltip-format = "<tt><big>{calendar}</big></tt>";
"clock#time" = {
format = "{:%H:%M}";
tooltip-format = "{tz_list}";
timezones = [
network = {
interface = "wlp1s0";
format = "{ifname}";
format-wifi = "{icon}";
format-ethernet = "{ipaddr}/{cidr} ";
format-disconnected = "";
tooltip-format = "{ifname} via {gwaddr} ";
tooltip-format-wifi = "{essid} ({signalStrength}%)";
tooltip-format-ethernet = "{ifname} ";
tooltip-format-disconnected = "Disconnected";
max-length = 50;
format-icons = [
(mkIf osConfig.programs.niri.enable {
"niri/window" = {
icon = true;
(mkIf {
"custom/notification" = {
tooltip = false;
format = "{icon}";
format-icons = {
notification = "";
none = "";
dnd-notification = "";
dnd-none = "";
return-type = "json";
exec = "swaync-client -swb";
on-click = "swaync-client -t -sw";
home.packages = [