remove autogenerated functions
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 0 additions and 743 deletions
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_configure_bindings_help --description "Prints the help message for fzf_configure_bindings."
echo "\
fzf_configure_bindings [--COMMAND=[KEY_SEQUENCE]...]
fzf_configure_bindings installs key bindings for's commands and erases any bindings it
previously installed. It installs bindings for both default and insert modes. executes
it without options on fish startup to install the out-of-the-box key bindings.
By default, commands are bound to a mnemonic key sequence, shown below. Each command's binding
can be configured using a namesake corresponding option:
Search Directory | Ctrl+Alt+F (F for file) | --directory
Search Git Log | Ctrl+Alt+L (L for log) | --git_log
Search Git Status | Ctrl+Alt+S (S for status) | --git_status
Search History | Ctrl+R (R for reverse) | --history
Search Processes | Ctrl+Alt+P (P for process) | --processes
Search Variables | Ctrl+V (V for variable) | --variables
Override a command's binding by specifying its corresponding option with the desired key
sequence. Disable a command's binding by specifying its corresponding option with no value.
Because fzf_configure_bindings erases bindings it previously installed, it can be cleanly
executed multiple times. Once the desired fzf_configure_bindings command has been found, add it
to your in order to persist the customized bindings.
In terms of validation, fzf_configure_bindings fails if passed unknown options. It expects an
equals sign between an option's name and value. However, it does not validate key sequences.
Pass -h or --help to print this help message and exit.
Default bindings but bind Search Directory to Ctrl+F and Search Variables to Ctrl+Alt+V
\$ fzf_configure_bindings --directory=\cf --variables=\e\cv
Default bindings but disable Search History
\$ fzf_configure_bindings --history=
An agglomeration of different options
\$ fzf_configure_bindings --git_status=\cg --history=\ch --variables= --processes=
SEE Also
To learn more about fish key bindings, see bind(1) and fish_key_reader(1).
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# helper function for _fzf_search_variables
function _fzf_extract_var_info --argument-names variable_name set_show_output --description "Extract and reformat lines pertaining to \$variable_name from \$set_show_output."
# Extract only the lines about the variable, all of which begin with either
# $variable_name: ...or... $variable_name[
string match --regex "^\\\$$variable_name(?::|\[).*" <$set_show_output |
# Strip the variable name prefix, including ": " for scope info lines
string replace --regex "^\\\$$variable_name(?:: )?" '' |
# Distill the lines of values, replacing...
# [1]: |value|
# ...with...
# [1] value
string replace --regex ": \|(.*)\|" ' $1'
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# helper for _fzf_search_git_status
# arg should be a line from git status --short, e.g.
# MM functions/
# D
# R LICENSE -> "New License"
function _fzf_preview_changed_file --argument-names path_status --description "Show the git diff of the given file."
# remove quotes because they'll be interpreted literally by git diff
# no need to requote when referencing $path because fish does not perform word splitting
set -f path (string unescape (string sub --start 4 $path_status))
# first letter of short format shows index, second letter shows working tree
set -f index_status (string sub --length 1 $path_status)
set -f working_tree_status (string sub --start 2 --length 1 $path_status)
set -f diff_opts --color=always
if test $index_status = '?'
_fzf_report_diff_type Untracked
_fzf_preview_file $path
else if contains {$index_status}$working_tree_status DD AU UD UA DU AA UU
# Unmerged statuses taken directly from git status help's short format table
# Unmerged statuses are mutually exclusive with other statuses, so if we see
# these, then safe to assume the path is unmerged
_fzf_report_diff_type Unmerged
git diff $diff_opts -- $path
if test $index_status != ' '
_fzf_report_diff_type Staged
# renames are only detected in the index, never working tree, so only need to test for it here
if test $index_status = R
# diff the post-rename path with the original path, otherwise the diff will show the entire file as being added
set -f orig_and_new_path (string split --max 1 -- ' -> ' $path)
git diff --staged $diff_opts -- $orig_and_new_path[1] $orig_and_new_path[2]
# path currently has the form of "original -> current", so we need to correct it before it's used below
set path $orig_and_new_path[2]
git diff --staged $diff_opts -- $path
if test $working_tree_status != ' '
_fzf_report_diff_type Unstaged
git diff $diff_opts -- $path
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# helper function for _fzf_search_directory and _fzf_search_git_status
function _fzf_preview_file --description "Print a preview for the given file based on its file type."
# because there's no way to guarantee that _fzf_search_directory passes the path to _fzf_preview_file
# as one argument, we collect all the arguments into one single variable and treat that as the path
set -f file_path $argv
if test -L "$file_path" # symlink
# notify user and recurse on the target of the symlink, which can be any of these file types
set -l target_path (realpath "$file_path")
set_color yellow
echo "'$file_path' is a symlink to '$target_path'."
set_color normal
_fzf_preview_file "$target_path"
else if test -f "$file_path" # regular file
if set --query fzf_preview_file_cmd
# need to escape quotes to make sure eval receives file_path as a single arg
eval "$fzf_preview_file_cmd '$file_path'"
bat --style=numbers --color=always "$file_path"
else if test -d "$file_path" # directory
if set --query fzf_preview_dir_cmd
# see above
eval "$fzf_preview_dir_cmd '$file_path'"
# -A list hidden files as well, except for . and ..
# -F helps classify files by appending symbols after the file name
command ls -A -F "$file_path"
else if test -c "$file_path"
_fzf_report_file_type "$file_path" "character device file"
else if test -b "$file_path"
_fzf_report_file_type "$file_path" "block device file"
else if test -S "$file_path"
_fzf_report_file_type "$file_path" socket
else if test -p "$file_path"
_fzf_report_file_type "$file_path" "named pipe"
echo "$file_path doesn't exist." >&2
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# helper for _fzf_preview_changed_file
# prints out something like
# ╭────────╮
# │ Staged │
# ╰────────╯
function _fzf_report_diff_type --argument-names diff_type --description "Print a distinct colored header meant to preface a git patch."
# number of "-" to draw is the length of the string to box + 2 for padding
set -f repeat_count (math 2 + (string length $diff_type))
set -f line (string repeat --count $repeat_count ─)
set -f top_border ╭$line╮
set -f btm_border ╰$line╯
set_color yellow
echo $top_border
echo "│ $diff_type │"
echo $btm_border
set_color normal
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# helper function for _fzf_preview_file
function _fzf_report_file_type --argument-names file_path file_type --description "Explain the file type for a file."
set_color red
echo "Cannot preview '$file_path': it is a $file_type."
set_color normal
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_search_directory --description "Search the current directory. Replace the current token with the selected file paths."
# Directly use fd binary to avoid output buffering delay caused by a fd alias, if any.
# Debian-based distros install fd as fdfind and the fd package is something else, so
# check for fdfind first. Fall back to "fd" for a clear error message.
set -f fd_cmd (command -v fdfind || command -v fd || echo "fd")
set -f --append fd_cmd --color=always $fzf_fd_opts
set -f fzf_arguments --multi --ansi $fzf_directory_opts
set -f token (commandline --current-token)
# expand any variables or leading tilde (~) in the token
set -f expanded_token (eval echo -- $token)
# unescape token because it's already quoted so backslashes will mess up the path
set -f unescaped_exp_token (string unescape -- $expanded_token)
# If the current token is a directory and has a trailing slash,
# then use it as fd's base directory.
if string match --quiet -- "*/" $unescaped_exp_token && test -d "$unescaped_exp_token"
set --append fd_cmd --base-directory=$unescaped_exp_token
# use the directory name as fzf's prompt to indicate the search is limited to that directory
set --prepend fzf_arguments --prompt="Directory $unescaped_exp_token> " --preview="_fzf_preview_file $expanded_token{}"
set -f file_paths_selected $unescaped_exp_token($fd_cmd 2>/dev/null | _fzf_wrapper $fzf_arguments)
set --prepend fzf_arguments --prompt="Directory> " --query="$unescaped_exp_token" --preview='_fzf_preview_file {}'
set -f file_paths_selected ($fd_cmd 2>/dev/null | _fzf_wrapper $fzf_arguments)
if test $status -eq 0
commandline --current-token --replace -- (string escape -- $file_paths_selected | string join ' ')
commandline --function repaint
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_search_git_log --description "Search the output of git log and preview commits. Replace the current token with the selected commit hash."
if not git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1
echo '_fzf_search_git_log: Not in a git repository.' >&2
if not set --query fzf_git_log_format
# %h gives you the abbreviated commit hash, which is useful for saving screen space, but we will have to expand it later below
set -f fzf_git_log_format '%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(cyan)%ad%C(reset) %C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %C(normal)%s%C(reset) %C(dim normal)[%an]%C(reset)'
set -f preview_cmd 'git show --color=always --stat --patch {1}'
if set --query fzf_diff_highlighter
set preview_cmd "$preview_cmd | $fzf_diff_highlighter"
set -f selected_log_lines (
git log --no-show-signature --color=always --format=format:$fzf_git_log_format --date=short | \
_fzf_wrapper --ansi \
--multi \
--scheme=history \
--prompt="Git Log> " \
--preview=$preview_cmd \
--query=(commandline --current-token) \
if test $status -eq 0
for line in $selected_log_lines
set -f abbreviated_commit_hash (string split --field 1 " " $line)
set -f full_commit_hash (git rev-parse $abbreviated_commit_hash)
set -f --append commit_hashes $full_commit_hash
commandline --current-token --replace (string join ' ' $commit_hashes)
commandline --function repaint
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_search_git_status --description "Search the output of git status. Replace the current token with the selected file paths."
if not git rev-parse --git-dir >/dev/null 2>&1
echo '_fzf_search_git_status: Not in a git repository.' >&2
set -f preview_cmd '_fzf_preview_changed_file {}'
if set --query fzf_diff_highlighter
set preview_cmd "$preview_cmd | $fzf_diff_highlighter"
set -f selected_paths (
# Pass configuration color.status=always to force status to use colors even though output is sent to a pipe
git -c color.status=always status --short |
_fzf_wrapper --ansi \
--multi \
--prompt="Git Status> " \
--query=(commandline --current-token) \
--preview=$preview_cmd \
--nth="2.." \
if test $status -eq 0
# git status --short automatically escapes the paths of most files for us so not going to bother trying to handle
# the few edges cases of weird file names that should be extremely rare (e.g. "this;needs;escaping")
set -f cleaned_paths
for path in $selected_paths
if test (string sub --length 1 $path) = R
# path has been renamed and looks like "R LICENSE ->"
# extract the path to use from after the arrow
set --append cleaned_paths (string split -- "-> " $path)[-1]
set --append cleaned_paths (string sub --start=4 $path)
commandline --current-token --replace -- (string join ' ' $cleaned_paths)
commandline --function repaint
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_search_history --description "Search command history. Replace the command line with the selected command."
# history merge incorporates history changes from other fish sessions
# it errors out if called in private mode
if test -z "$fish_private_mode"
builtin history merge
if not set --query fzf_history_time_format
# Reference to understand strftime format symbols
set -f fzf_history_time_format "%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# Delinate time from command in history entries using the vertical box drawing char (U+2502).
# Then, to get raw command from history entries, delete everything up to it. The ? on regex is
# necessary to make regex non-greedy so it won't match into commands containing the char.
set -f time_prefix_regex '^.*? │ '
# Delinate commands throughout pipeline using null rather than newlines because commands can be multi-line
set -f commands_selected (
builtin history --null --show-time="$fzf_history_time_format │ " |
_fzf_wrapper --read0 \
--print0 \
--multi \
--scheme=history \
--prompt="History> " \
--query=(commandline) \
--preview="string replace --regex '$time_prefix_regex' '' -- {} | fish_indent --ansi" \
--preview-window="bottom:3:wrap" \
$fzf_history_opts |
string split0 |
# remove timestamps from commands selected
string replace --regex $time_prefix_regex ''
if test $status -eq 0
commandline --replace -- $commands_selected
commandline --function repaint
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_search_processes --description "Search all running processes. Replace the current token with the pid of the selected process."
# Directly use ps command because it is often aliased to a different command entirely
# or with options that dirty the search results and preview output
set -f ps_cmd (command -v ps || echo "ps")
# use all caps to be consistent with ps default format
# snake_case because ps doesn't seem to allow spaces in the field names
set -f ps_preview_fmt (string join ',' 'pid' 'ppid=PARENT' 'user' '%cpu' 'rss=RSS_IN_KB' 'start=START_TIME' 'command')
set -f processes_selected (
$ps_cmd -A -opid,command | \
_fzf_wrapper --multi \
--prompt="Processes> " \
--query (commandline --current-token) \
--ansi \
# first line outputted by ps is a header, so we need to mark it as so
--header-lines=1 \
# ps uses exit code 1 if the process was not found, in which case show an message explaining so
--preview="$ps_cmd -o '$ps_preview_fmt' -p {1} || echo 'Cannot preview {1} because it exited.'" \
--preview-window="bottom:4:wrap" \
if test $status -eq 0
for process in $processes_selected
set -f --append pids_selected (string split --no-empty --field=1 -- " " $process)
# string join to replace the newlines outputted by string split with spaces
commandline --current-token --replace -- (string join ' ' $pids_selected)
commandline --function repaint
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# This function expects the following two arguments:
# argument 1 = output of (set --show | psub), i.e. a file with the scope info and values of all variables
# argument 2 = output of (set --names | psub), i.e. a file with all variable names
function _fzf_search_variables --argument-names set_show_output set_names_output --description "Search and preview shell variables. Replace the current token with the selected variable."
if test -z "$set_names_output"
printf '%s\n' '_fzf_search_variables requires 2 arguments.' >&2
commandline --function repaint
return 22 # 22 means invalid argument in POSIX
# Exclude the history variable from being piped into fzf because
# 1. it's not included in $set_names_output
# 2. it tends to be a very large value => increases computation time
# 3._fzf_search_history is a much better way to examine history anyway
set -f all_variable_names (string match --invert history <$set_names_output)
set -f current_token (commandline --current-token)
# Use the current token to pre-populate fzf's query. If the current token begins
# with a $, remove it from the query so that it will better match the variable names
set -f cleaned_curr_token (string replace -- '$' '' $current_token)
set -f variable_names_selected (
printf '%s\n' $all_variable_names |
_fzf_wrapper --preview "_fzf_extract_var_info {} $set_show_output" \
--prompt="Variables> " \
--preview-window="wrap" \
--multi \
--query=$cleaned_curr_token \
if test $status -eq 0
# If the current token begins with a $, do not overwrite the $ when
# replacing the current token with the selected variable.
# Uses brace expansion to prepend $ to each variable name.
commandline --current-token --replace (
if string match --quiet -- '$*' $current_token
string join " " \${$variable_names_selected}
string join " " $variable_names_selected
commandline --function repaint
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
function _fzf_wrapper --description "Prepares some environment variables before executing fzf."
# Make sure fzf uses fish to execute preview commands, some of which
# are autoloaded fish functions so don't exist in other shells.
# Use --function so that it doesn't clobber SHELL outside this function.
set -f --export SHELL (command --search fish)
# If neither FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS nor FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE are set, then set some sane defaults.
# See
if test $status -eq 2
# cycle allows jumping between the first and last results, making scrolling faster
# layout=reverse lists results top to bottom, mimicking the familiar layouts of git log, history, and env
# border shows where the fzf window begins and ends
# height=90% leaves space to see the current command and some scrollback, maintaining context of work
# preview-window=wrap wraps long lines in the preview window, making reading easier
# marker=* makes the multi-select marker more distinguishable from the pointer (since both default to >)
set --export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS '--cycle --layout=reverse --border --height=90% --preview-window=wrap --marker="*"'
fzf $argv
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
function _nvm_index_update
test ! -d $nvm_data && command mkdir -p $nvm_data
set --local index $nvm_data/.index
if not command curl -q --location --silent $nvm_mirror/ >$index.temp
command rm -f $index.temp
echo "nvm: Can't update index, host unavailable: \"$nvm_mirror\"" >&2
return 1
command awk -v OFS=\t '
/v0.9.12/ { exit } # Unsupported
NR > 1 {
print $1 (NR == 2 ? " latest" : $10 != "-" ? " lts/" tolower($10) : "")
' $index.temp >$index
command rm -f $index.temp
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
function _nvm_list
set --local versions $nvm_data/*
set --query versions[1] &&
string match --entire --regex -- (string match --regex -- "v\d.+" $versions |
string escape --style=regex |
string join "|"
) <$nvm_data/.index
command --all node |
string match --quiet --invert --regex -- "^$nvm_data" && echo system
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
function _nvm_version_activate --argument-names ver
set --global --export nvm_current_version $ver
set --prepend PATH $nvm_data/$ver/bin
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
function _nvm_version_deactivate --argument-names ver
test "$nvm_current_version" = "$ver" && set --erase nvm_current_version
set --local index (contains --index -- $nvm_data/$ver/bin $PATH) &&
set --erase PATH[$index]
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# Always installs bindings for insert and default mode for simplicity and b/c it has almost no side-effect
function fzf_configure_bindings --description "Installs the default key bindings for with user overrides passed as options."
# no need to install bindings if not in interactive mode or running tests
status is-interactive || test "$CI" = true; or return
set -f options_spec h/help 'directory=?' 'git_log=?' 'git_status=?' 'history=?' 'processes=?' 'variables=?'
argparse --max-args=0 --ignore-unknown $options_spec -- $argv 2>/dev/null
if test $status -ne 0
echo "Invalid option or a positional argument was provided." >&2
return 22
else if set --query _flag_help
# Initialize with default key sequences and then override or disable them based on flags
# index 1 = directory, 2 = git_log, 3 = git_status, 4 = history, 5 = processes, 6 = variables
set -f key_sequences \e\cf \e\cl \e\cs \cr \e\cp \cv # \c = control, \e = escape
set --query _flag_directory && set key_sequences[1] "$_flag_directory"
set --query _flag_git_log && set key_sequences[2] "$_flag_git_log"
set --query _flag_git_status && set key_sequences[3] "$_flag_git_status"
set --query _flag_history && set key_sequences[4] "$_flag_history"
set --query _flag_processes && set key_sequences[5] "$_flag_processes"
set --query _flag_variables && set key_sequences[6] "$_flag_variables"
# If fzf bindings already exists, uninstall it first for a clean slate
if functions --query _fzf_uninstall_bindings
for mode in default insert
test -n $key_sequences[1] && bind --mode $mode $key_sequences[1] _fzf_search_directory
test -n $key_sequences[2] && bind --mode $mode $key_sequences[2] _fzf_search_git_log
test -n $key_sequences[3] && bind --mode $mode $key_sequences[3] _fzf_search_git_status
test -n $key_sequences[4] && bind --mode $mode $key_sequences[4] _fzf_search_history
test -n $key_sequences[5] && bind --mode $mode $key_sequences[5] _fzf_search_processes
test -n $key_sequences[6] && bind --mode $mode $key_sequences[6] "$_fzf_search_vars_command"
function _fzf_uninstall_bindings --inherit-variable key_sequences
bind --erase -- $key_sequences
bind --erase --mode insert -- $key_sequences
@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
function nvm --description "Node version manager"
for silent in --silent -s
if set --local index (contains --index -- $silent $argv)
set --erase argv[$index] && break
set --erase silent
set --local cmd $argv[1]
set --local ver $argv[2]
if set --query silent && ! set --query cmd[1]
echo "nvm: Version number not specified (see nvm -h for usage)" >&2
return 1
if ! set --query ver[1] && contains -- "$cmd" install use
for file in .nvmrc .node-version
set file (_nvm_find_up $PWD $file) && read ver <$file && break
if ! set --query ver[1]
echo "nvm: Invalid version or missing \".nvmrc\" file" >&2
return 1
set --local their_version $ver
switch "$cmd"
case -v --version
echo "nvm, version 2.2.14"
case "" -h --help
echo "Usage: nvm install <version> Download and activate the specified Node version"
echo " nvm install Install the version specified in the nearest .nvmrc file"
echo " nvm use <version> Activate the specified Node version in the current shell"
echo " nvm use Activate the version specified in the nearest .nvmrc file"
echo " nvm list List installed Node versions"
echo " nvm list-remote List available Node versions to install"
echo " nvm list-remote <regex> List Node versions matching a given regex pattern"
echo " nvm current Print the currently-active Node version"
echo " nvm uninstall <version> Uninstall the specified Node version"
echo "Options:"
echo " -s, --silent Suppress standard output"
echo " -v, --version Print the version of nvm"
echo " -h, --help Print this help message"
echo "Variables:"
echo " nvm_arch Override architecture, e.g. x64-musl"
echo " nvm_mirror Use a mirror for downloading Node binaries"
echo " nvm_default_version Set the default version for new shells"
echo " nvm_default_packages Install a list of packages every time a Node version is installed"
echo "Examples:"
echo " nvm install latest Install the latest version of Node"
echo " nvm use 14.15.1 Use Node version 14.15.1"
echo " nvm use system Activate the system's Node version"
case install
string match --entire --regex -- (_nvm_version_match $ver) <$nvm_data/.index | read ver alias
if ! set --query ver[1]
echo "nvm: Invalid version number or alias: \"$their_version\"" >&2
return 1
if test ! -e $nvm_data/$ver
set --local os (command uname -s | string lower)
set --local ext tar.gz
set --local arch (command uname -m)
switch $os
case aix
set arch ppc64
case sunos
case linux
case darwin
case {MSYS_NT,MINGW\*_NT}\*
set os win
set ext zip
case \*
echo "nvm: Unsupported operating system: \"$os\"" >&2
return 1
switch $arch
case i\*86
set arch x86
case x86_64
set arch x64
case arm64
string match --regex --quiet "v(?<major>\d+)" $ver
if test "$os" = darwin -a $major -lt 16
set arch x64
case armv6 armv6l
set arch armv6l
case armv7 armv7l
set arch armv7l
case armv8 armv8l aarch64
set arch arm64
set --query nvm_arch && set arch $nvm_arch
set --local dir "node-$ver-$os-$arch"
set --local url $nvm_mirror/$ver/$dir.$ext
command mkdir -p $nvm_data/$ver
if ! set --query silent
echo -e "Installing Node \x1b[1m$ver\x1b[22m $alias"
echo -e "Fetching \x1b[4m$url\x1b[24m\x1b[7m"
if ! command curl -q $silent --progress-bar --location $url |
command tar --extract --gzip --directory $nvm_data/$ver 2>/dev/null
command rm -rf $nvm_data/$ver
echo -e "\033[F\33[2K\x1b[0mnvm: Invalid mirror or host unavailable: \"$url\"" >&2
return 1
set --query silent || echo -en "\033[F\33[2K\x1b[0m"
if test "$os" = win
command mv $nvm_data/$ver/$dir $nvm_data/$ver/bin
command mv $nvm_data/$ver/$dir/* $nvm_data/$ver
command rm -rf $nvm_data/$ver/$dir
if test $ver != "$nvm_current_version"
set --query nvm_current_version && _nvm_version_deactivate $nvm_current_version
_nvm_version_activate $ver
set --query nvm_default_packages[1] && npm install --global $silent $nvm_default_packages
set --query silent || printf "Now using Node %s (npm %s) %s\n" (_nvm_node_info)
case use
test $ver = default && set ver $nvm_default_version
_nvm_list | string match --entire --regex -- (_nvm_version_match $ver) | read ver __
if ! set --query ver[1]
echo "nvm: Can't use Node \"$their_version\", version must be installed first" >&2
return 1
if test $ver != "$nvm_current_version"
set --query nvm_current_version && _nvm_version_deactivate $nvm_current_version
test $ver != system && _nvm_version_activate $ver
set --query silent || printf "Now using Node %s (npm %s) %s\n" (_nvm_node_info)
case uninstall
if test -z "$ver"
echo "nvm: Not enough arguments for command: \"$cmd\"" >&2
return 1
test $ver = default && test ! -z "$nvm_default_version" && set ver $nvm_default_version
_nvm_list | string match --entire --regex -- (_nvm_version_match $ver) | read ver __
if ! set -q ver[1]
echo "nvm: Node version not installed or invalid: \"$their_version\"" >&2
return 1
set --query silent || printf "Uninstalling Node %s %s\n" $ver (string replace ~ \~ "$nvm_data/$ver/bin/node")
_nvm_version_deactivate $ver
command rm -rf $nvm_data/$ver
case current
case ls list
_nvm_list | _nvm_list_format (_nvm_current) $argv[2]
case lsr {ls,list}-remote
_nvm_index_update || return
_nvm_list | command awk '
FILENAME == "-" && (is_local[$1] = FNR == NR) { next } {
print $0 (is_local[$1] ? " ✓" : "")
' - $nvm_data/.index | _nvm_list_format (_nvm_current) $argv[2]
case \*
echo "nvm: Unknown command or option: \"$cmd\" (see nvm -h for usage)" >&2
return 1
function _nvm_find_up --argument-names path file
test -e "$path/$file" && echo $path/$file || begin
test ! -z "$path" || return
_nvm_find_up (string replace --regex -- '/[^/]*$' "" $path) $file
function _nvm_version_match --argument-names ver
string replace --regex -- '^v?(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$' 'v$1.' $ver |
string replace --filter --regex -- '^v?(\d+)' 'v$1' |
string escape --style=regex || string lower '\b'$ver'(?:/\w+)?$'
function _nvm_list_format --argument-names current regex
command awk -v current="$current" -v regex="$regex" '
$0 ~ regex {
aliases[versions[i++] = $1] = $2 " " $3
pad = (n = length($1)) > pad ? n : pad
if (!i) exit 1
while (i--)
printf((current == versions[i] ? " ▶ " : " ") "%"pad"s %s\n",
versions[i], aliases[versions[i]])
function _nvm_current
command --search --quiet node || return
set --query nvm_current_version && echo $nvm_current_version || echo system
function _nvm_node_info
set --local npm_path (string replace bin/npm-cli.js "" (realpath (command --search npm)))
test -f $npm_path/package.json || set --local npm_version_default (command npm --version)
command node --eval "
console.log('$npm_version_default' ? '$npm_version_default': require('$npm_path/package.json').version)
" | string replace -- ~ \~
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