2023-06-19 16:49:41 +02:00

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my dotfiles

/nezia/flocon/media/commit/15a877064ff465241dac624fb0dac5e821860b41/screenshots/desktop.png /nezia/flocon/media/commit/15a877064ff465241dac624fb0dac5e821860b41/screenshots/desktop-terminals.png

These are my personal dotfiles for configuring my workstation. I use stow to manage them, hence why everything is under its own module, so I can use stow */ to symlink them to the right place.

This configuration uses git submodules in order to pull some plugins and to integrate my Emacs config in a separate repository, so make sure to initialize them before trying to install it (installation instructions below).


You could install it on any Linux distribution that you want, but I recommend Arch Linux as there is a file containing a list of required packages installable via pacman or your favorite AUR helper.

  • Clone the config in your home directory git clone git@github.com:nezia1/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  • Initialize submodules with git submodule update --init
  • If you're using Arch Linux, install the packages with sudo pacman -S < packages or using your favorite AUR helper
  • stow */ to symlink everything to the right place
  • fisher update to install fish plugins


I use catppuccin as my theme (the mocha variant). I love the soothing pastel colors. The GTK theme and the Qt5 theme are also configured to be used with supported applications.

Shell setup

I use fish as my interactive shell, but I still keep bash as my non-interactive shell for compatibility purposes, as some pieces of software that I use require the user to have a POSIX compliant shell. This is why I have a bash module, where I setup everything that I want to have non-interactively and interactively and if running interactively, have it start a fish session.

It also keeps variables set in .profile, since we're starting fish from bash.

Software used

Hyprland is configured to use a random wallpaper from the $HOME/.dotfiles directory, so you need to have your wallpapers in it.

Services and timers

The user-services module contains different systemd daemons and timers that you might or might not need depending on your specific use-case:

  • sync: a systemd timer that synchronizes my org directory using rclone to a remote called drive (runs every 5 minutes)